Sunday, November 5, 2023

Sciatica Pain Treatment.

How I Got Rid Of Sciatica Nerve Pain After 20 Excruciating Years.

The Best Treatment You Will Find!

In this Blog I want to share with you my experience with sciatica nerve pain and how I got rid of it.
The intensity of the pain got worse throughout the years.

It got so bad after having it for 15 years the pain went down my leg and into my calf.

It felt like I had a 2×4 stuck in my calf and I couldn’t pull it out.

By the time I was 35 I was walking with a cane and that was soul crushing.

The pain first started in my lower backtailbone, and hip area when I was around 20 years old.

I would pick something up, or move wrong, and my hip would feel like it popped out of place.

I spent thousands of dollars on Chiropractic work to relieve the pain.

When things took a turn for the worst I was 28 years old.

I moved a pool table for work and my back popped. 

I'm a martial arts competitor and I had my first cage fight 1 week from when I moved that pool table.

I almost wasn’t able to compete because the back pain was so excruciating.

But I competed anyways and won.

After that I couldn’t stand up straight and I was in constant pain for several years.

Every morning I would wake up and could barley get out of bed.

I couldn’t stand up straight.

If I was sitting down I would have to lay facing down for a couple minutes just so I could stand up straight. 

That was painful.

I still went to work like this because I needed to pay my bills.

One day the pain got so bad I laid on the couch and had my girlfriend push on my lower back.

That was a mistake.

I got up off the couch and the pain went down my leg and into my calf.

This was hell.

No matter what I did it wouldn’t go away.

And I did everything you could think of. 

I finally made a Doctors appointment with a reputable back surgeon.

I got an MRI done.

The surgeon told me he was surprised that I didn’t have pain going down both legs.

He told me I had sciatica on my right side and Stenosis on my left side.

The truth is I did have pain on my left side.

I had chronic tendentious in my left Achilles tendon for seven years. From 20 years old to 27 years old.

I will tell you that story in another blog post.

The back surgeon told me I had a disc bulge in my L4 L5 vertebrae.

The disc bulge was on the right side and pushed on the nerve.

That caused sciatica down the leg.

Sciatic nerve pain happens when your vertebrae pinches together and your disc bulges out and presses on your nerve.

Stenosis is the narrowing of the path your nerve travels through that runs down your spine and it pinches the sciatica nerve.

The surgeon scheduled two epidural shots in my back to reduce the disc bulge.

He told me surgery might make it worse.

I was surprised he told me that because he was a top back surgeon in the Chicago-land area.

The Dr. told me to start with two epidural shots first.

The first epidural shot helped relieve the pain but not fully.

The second shot helped tremendously. 

I recommend getting them.

It felt like the 2×4 was finally removed from my calf.

But I still had pain in my lower back and I had a hard time standing up straight.

Then somebody recommended I see an acupuncture.

An Acupuncture Saved My life.

Not From The Needles But From The Knowledge He Told Me.

He sat me down and started to ask me questions about my back.

All I remember is he told me to lay facing down on his table.

He pulled out his home-made hand roller and started to roll my calf muscles with it.

I about jumped off the table because it hurt bad.

He finally revealed what I was waiting for for the last 15 years.

What I would cry over and pray for.

The secret was

And I quote ” this is why your back hurts. Your calf muscles are way to tight. You have to loosen them”

Finally I understood what was causing all this pain.

It was like a light bulb went off.

I finally understood after all my research, trial, and error that back pain is caused by tight leg muscles. 

I asked him if I could buy his roller?

He told me he made it himself and it wasn’t for sale.

Then somebody told me to use a IT Band Roller.

So I got one.

I bought a hard IT Band roller not a soft one.

And in a matter of a month of using it I was seeing massive results.

I was able to stand up straight with little pain.

You see when your muscles are tight – In my case, calf muscles, and gluteus maximus muscles – It pulls you out of alignment and makes your back hurt.

My calf muscles where so tight they would pull me over into a hunch position.

I wasn’t able to stand up straight for years.

So I needed to loosen them up, so I could stand up straight, and walk with ease.

This is important to understand.

It's important for you to understand that the root cause of your back pain is tight muscles in your legs.

In my case I had tight calf muscles and gluteus maximus muscle.

I know it's hard to believe because it took me 15 years of research, doctor visits, reading books, and excruciating pain to figure this out.

And it took me five years of constantly rolling out my muscles to fully recover and be able to stand up straight.

But I did have immediate relief after using it the first time.

But it was a slow treatment to fully recover.

You have to do it every day and several times a day to recover.

To relieve sciatica nerve pain you need to loosen your muscles using an IT Band roller.

The muscles that feel tender is the root cause of your sciatica nerve pain.

You are over using that muscle.

You need to loosen them.

To do so . . . you will need to roll the tender spot using an IT band roller.

Lay on the ground and place your leg onto the IT band roller.

Place the area of pain and tenderness onto the roller.

Set your leg there until the muscle relaxes and the tenderness begins to go away.

This will hurt at first.

Once the muscle relaxes and the tenderness goes away then roll your entire leg out using the IT Band roller.

Its ok to set the tender muscle on the roller for a couple of seconds then re-adjust.

Its what I do on a daily basis.

To Relieve A disc bulge use an inversion table to decompress your spinal cord.

Using an Inversion table is a great way to decompress your spinal cord.

Once you are hanging upside down on an inversion table, your body weight decompresses the vertebrae’s, and relieves the pressure on your disc.

This will help stop your vertebrae’s from pinching your disc and causing it to bulge out.

Once you have hanged on an inversion table for a couple minutes you will be ready to place your tender muscles on an IT Band roller.

Place the tender spot on the roller for a couple seconds, then lift and re-adjust your position, and place your tender muscles back onto the roller.

Do this until the muscle relaxes.

Then you will see immediate relief.

You have to manage chronic sciatica to remain pain free.

When I start to feel the sciatic nerve pain again its because my calf’s muscles or gluteus maximus muscles are tight again.

For immediate relief I will hang on my inversion table for a couple of minutes until I feel my back loosen up.

As soon as I do that I find the tender spot in my legs and set it on the IT band roller for a couple of seconds.

I re-adjust the tender spots on the roller until my calf muscles relax and the tenderness goes away.

This creates immediate relief.

I Recommend These Products for Sciatica Pain Treatment.

Get yourself an It Band Roller and an Inversion Table. The most important of the two is the It Band Roller. You must get one immediately to relieve sciatica nerve pain.

Please Donate So I Can Spread This Information Over The Entire Internet To Help People Who Are Suffering.

Please Donate Money here through this link. 

Help save peoples lives by Donating here. 

Here Is A Quick Demonstration On Sciatica Treatment.

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Sciatica Pain Treatment.

How I Got Rid Of S ciatica Nerve Pain After 20 Excruciating Years. The Best Treatment You Will Find! In this Blog I want to share with you m...